This is part three of a series of articles I am writing comparing church life to a football game. In Scenario #1: the football team all sat on the bench while the coach played the game by himself. Obviously, that’s NOT how football is played and that’s why the coach was carried off the field in a stretcher! But that’s the idea a lot of people have when it comes to church life—"Let the Pastor do it all. That’s why he/she is paid and they’re better trained.” But no football team or church is going to accomplish much if one person does it all.
In Scenario #2: the football team realized they've all got to play their position, so they go out on the field and they huddle...and huddle...and huddle. The referee blows his whistle, calls a penalty for delaying the game and moves the ball backwards five yards. Still the team huddles, and huddles, and huddles. The referee calls penalty after penalty, until finally the ball is moved all the way back to their own goal line.
Everyone knows this is silly--no football team ever stays in the huddle. But many people have that idea when it comes to church ministry. A church will be in big trouble if it becomes just a "holy huddle"-- a band of people gathering Sunday after Sunday, but never applying what they learn. Of course, we need worship, training and fellowship with other Christians; just like a football team needs the huddle. But it's what happens after the huddle that the game/church is all about!
Here’s Scenario #3: The team finally breaks out of the huddle. But instead of lining up against the opposing squad, they break into groups of two or three, arguing with each other. Soon they start shoving, and two of them actually get into a fight.
"What's wrong now?" the coach asks as one of them walks off the field in disgust.
"That bunch of complainers can't agree on anything. Those two over there are arguing over the color of the uniforms. Those two over here are arguing because they can't agree on whether the individual or the team is more important. Some of the white players say the black players should go play on their own field, and some other guys don't like the band music. Me? I'm quitting because I can pass a lot better than that other guy, but they won't let me be the quarterback."
Needless to say: that team is doomed to failure! And if members of a church can’t get along with each other, then that church is doomed to fail too. Apostle Paul wrote to the believers in Rome this message in Romans 12:10= “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another.” God wants His Church to love each other, be made whole and work together.

Satan is attacking people every way he can: splitting churches, ruining marriages, harassing families, etc. He knows his time is running out so he’s trying the old “divide and conquer” strategy. Satan knows when a body is sick & hurting it can’t do what it’s supposed to do. But when a body is healthy & whole it will reproduce. This is why we cannot allow Satan to divide us by racism, politics, jealousy, etc. God wants His body to be healed, to arise and be the mighty army that He’s called us to be. The world needs to see God’s love in our church relationships.
Within the Body of Christ there is plenty of room for diversity, but underlying that diversity is unity. Paul explains this in Ephesians 4:2-3= “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” (NIV)
Years ago, Tina Turner sang the song: “What’s Love Got To Do With It?” The Bible answers that question: “Love has everything to do with it!” It’s time we show the watching world our unity in truth and love. Remember: hurting people hurt people; loving people love people!
Rev. Doug Johnson, Senior Pastor, Raven Lexington First Assembly of God in Lexington, KY.