The Lord has blessed us to see another year go by. Many people struggled and faced all kinds of difficulties in 2024. Even though it was a difficult year, God was faithful and with us every step of the way! And now we face 2025 and only God knows what this new year holds.
Perhaps you are one of those people that make New Year’s resolutions. You know those promises we make to eat less, exercise more, shape up, slim down, etc. The fact is that only 55% of Americans keep their New Year’s resolutions for one month, 40% for six months, and only 19% for the year. I don’t want to discourage anyone but maybe we should make resolutions that are worthwhile...perhaps those would be easier for us to keep.
The great preacher, Jonathan Edwards made five resolutions in his youth which he kept throughout his life: “1. Live with all my might while I do live (he died at age 55). 2. Never lose one moment of time but improve it in the most profitable way possible. 3. Never do anything I should despise or think meanly of in another. 4. Never do anything out of revenge. 5. Never do anything which I should be afraid to do if it were the last hour of my life.” Now those are resolutions we can live (and die) by!
Everett Melton Garrett wrote this New Year’s blessing: “During the coming year, may you have: enough happiness to keep you sweet; enough trials to keep you strong; enough sorrow to keep you human; enough hope to keep you happy; enough failure to keep you humble; enough success to keep you eager; enough friends to give you comfort; enough faith in God and courage in yourself to banish your depression; enough money to meet your needs; and enough determination to make each day a better day than yesterday!”
This year, we can also take our inspiration from some of the great heroes of faith in the Bible. Like Enoch--we can walk with God daily in close fellowship. Like Abraham-- we can trust implicitly in God. Like Job--be patient under all circumstances. Like Joseph--turn our backs on all seductive advances. Like Moses--choose righteousness rather than enjoy the pleasures of sin. Like Caleb and Joshua--refuse to be discouraged regardless of the odds against us. Like Gideon--advance, even though friends are few. Like David-- lift up our eyes to heaven from which comes our help. Like Jehoshaphat-- prepare our hearts to seek the Lord. Like Daniel-- commune with God at all times and in all places. Like Andrew-- strive to lead others to Christ. Like Stephen-- manifest a forgiving spirit toward all who seek our hurt. Like Paul-- forget those things that are behind us and press forward.
My family and I want to wish every one of you a happy and blessed New Year. Let’s live it to its fullest!
Rev. Doug Johnson, Senior Pastor, Lexington First Assembly of God in Lexington, KY.